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© French + Tye


Citizens House


“Moving into the CLT has been completely transformative. Knowing that I'm part of a community, that I'm buying into something bigger than myself, rather than paying a landlords mortgage, is great. It's also changed the way me and my partner have been able to think about our futures, our lives. We've never had such stability to rely on, to depend on, to have as a basis for our plans and dreams.

“I also love the CLT model. It's amazing to be in good housing that not only works for me on a practical level, but also aligns with my values, my politics, my belief in community. I also love the fact that if we ever move out then the flat will be made available to the next person who needs it, on the same basis as us. It shows that making flats that are permanently affordable is possible, and actually quite straightforward. Which is so important now after we've seen so much social housing that has been sold off to the private sector without being properly replaced.”

Learn more about Citizens House here.

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