European Network
Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities
London CLT is also part of the broader and growing movement of CLTs across Europe and is a member of the European CLT Network.
As part of this movement we are partners in the Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (SHICC) project which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund via Interreg Northwest Europe. The project supports the development of more London CLT projects in London, as well as the combined efforts of all the partners to boost CLT development across North West Europe and share learnings. The project partners are based in England, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland and Scotland. You can learn more about this work by reading the report on Urban Community Land Trust in Europe: Towards a Transnational Movement and viewing the European CLT Network Directory which includes an interactive map.
Meeting of the European CLT Network in Amsterdam and a site visit to Schoonschip, June 2022. Photos courtesy of the European CLT Network.