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CLT Guidebook

The following set of resources combines the knowledge gathered throughout the SHICC project and throughout out our ongoing processes of establishing and guiding the management of community land trusts across London, Ghent, Brussels and Lille.


For UK specific guidance the National Community Land Trust Network (NCLTN) has developed a guidance document which can be purchased in hardcopy or as a member provided free. It covers a number of similar topics and can be purchased here.


Building a Team

How to organise citizens to support the development of community land trusts




Suggested Readings

Sometimes the challenge of trying to organise people around a common goal can seem like the largest challenge in getting started with establishing a community land trust. The following readings demystify and break down how we work with people's natural instinct toward self-interest in order to achieve our collective goals. Have a read and get inspired!


Building A Team & Organising to Get Land

Bolton, Matthew - How to Resist 

Emmens, Ben - Conscious, Collaboration - Re-Thinking The Way We Work Together, For Good

Benkler, Yochai -The Penguin and the Leviathan: How Cooperation Triumphs over Self-Interest

Alinsky, Saul - Rules for Radicals 

Gecan, Michael - Going Public: An Organizer's Guide to Citizen Action   

Mcalevey, Jane - No Shortcuts: Organising for power in the Gilded Age


Design & Planning

Jacobs, Jane - The death and life of great american cities 

Till, Jeremy - Architecture depends 

Ward, Colin - When we build again

Horton, Myles - The long haul   

Freire, Paolo - Pedagogy of the oppressed  


Finance & Mortgages

Ryan Collins, Josh; Lloyd, Toby; McFarlane, Lauri - Rethinking economics of land and housing



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